The Silly Mistakes To Avoid During Landscaping St Louis MO

By George Baker

One of the most common misconceptions is that anybody can design a landscape as long as they have a collection of plants and some tools to get started. Gardening is a continuous learning process for all homeowners even those that have been doing it for years. You need to always be on the lookout for the new and sustainable ideas that will make your garden look beautiful. There are so many mistakes that are committed in the process of learning new gardening techniques. Here are the most common mistakes that should be avoided during landscaping St Louis MO.

Before you buy any plant and bring it in the garden, you need to conduct some research. Some of the plants that you bring in your garden can outgrow their space after some time and give you a headache. The problem would be far worse if these plants were planted close to the house because they could end up blocking the windows or casting shade on other plants. Allocate some time into researching the plants first before you put them in the garden.

If you have a vast landscape, the biggest mistake that you can commit is the failure to bring a landscape professional on board. Designing a big landscape can be complicated and costly. The landscape designer will save you time and money. They will create a good plan for the garden layout and make the best use of the features in your garden.

It is a rule that trees should be planted first before the other plants. You should never commit the mistake of planting the trees after you have planted the other plants. Trees are the foundation of your landscape architecture. Trees are permanent, and they cannot be removed and transferred to another section of the garden. Therefore, you should prioritize tree planting when you are beginning the landscape design process.

The other mistake that is often committed during landscape design is planting trees and shrubs too close to your house. The trees grow, and they should be planted several feet away from the house. The overhanging branches can easily damage your roof, and the spreading roots can destroy the foundation of the house.

As you are designing the landscape, ensure that you do not overcrowd the trees and plants because this will destroy the beauty of your landscape and make it appear ugly. Ensure that you allow enough room for air circulation so that the shrubs, plants, and flowers in the garden can be healthy. You will have a huge headache in trying to redesign the garden if these crowded plants are allowed to grow to maturity.

There are four seasons in a year, and you should consider this aspect when you are designing the landscape. The failure to do so will leave your garden looking dull and boring during certain seasons. Some of the plants bloom during certain seasons such as spring and summer. Other plants such as evergreen shrubs bloom throughout all these four seasons. It is important that you choose the appropriate mix of plants.

If you are planning to design your landscape, you need to ensure that you avoid these mistakes. This is the only way that you can be able to feel confident that your landscape architecture will be a great success.

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