A Look At How Your Company Can Profit From Newborn Overnight Care Atlanta GA

By Andrew Meyer

Employees are entitled to paid family leave benefits. This is more so the case after childbearing and a decent number of companies offer a reasonable number of days off. Even though leave days are beneficial to both workers and employers, it is still a fact that the majorities of new parents either get zero or minimal days off after giving birth. During the hunt for dependable newborn overnight care Atlanta GA has a decent number of top rated agencies to offer.

Ensuring that your workers get reasonable time off after childbearing is important. However, you should also consider the cost of lack of sleep on your business after the employees in question return to work. Research shows that over 64% of families living in the U. S. Have two parents working with zero or minimal leave options. For a new parent, loss of sleep can cause serious health issues and also take a toll on ones productivity at work.

Proper sleep enables a mother to be more alert during daylight hours. If your sleep is constantly interrupted by a crying baby, perhaps one that needs more than just a diaper change, chances are that your daytime alertness will reduce by about 32%. For a business, this can calculate into major losses or reduced chances of hitting the annual profit goals.

On average, lost productivity caused by lack of sleep costs workers about 11 days each year. This means that one worker can cause you losses of over $3000 on a yearly basis. Because it is not every year that a female worker bears a child and needs additional help, you have good reason to consider investing in newborn overnight care for your employees who come back after maternity leave.

For first-time moms, adjusting is easier said than done. Most of them will only sleep for a maximum of four hours per night, meaning that they miss out on a cool 6 months worth of sleep. This causes immeasurable fatigue and terrible mood swings. It also affects their productivity and alertness while increasing their vulnerability to workplace accidents.

Any serious business owner will at this point what to know about the best solutions for this problem. Well, you should consider the services offered by overnight newborn care agencies. The experts can ensure that new mothers within your company enjoy uninterrupted, restorative sleep overnight and are able to be more productive during work hours. This can increase the employee satisfaction rate in your company and save you from needless losses.

An overnight baby nanny will change, feed, burp and soothe the baby to sleep. This will afford the new mum an additional 2-3 hours of sleep. She will wake up feeling energized, happy and fresh. This also means that productivity at work will not be impacted.

Finding a reliable agency is not a simple task. You must do a keen research and evaluate various options before making any prime decisions. In this case, you want to do more than merely choose the company with the most affordable services. You owe your employees the favor of ascertaining that they would benefit from meaningful assistance.

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