Basics Of Postpartum Care Atlanta GA

By Janet Hughes

Motherhood is a wonderful experience that comes with numerous experiences. For instance, mothers experience pain, mood swings as well as exhaustion. Without proper postpartum care Atlanta GA, it may result in depression. Consequently, new mothers are unable to take care of their infants as they should. Fortunately, there are numerous tips to help cope with new experiences. Some of these are explained below.

Parents experience exhaustion taking care of infants especially if it is their first time. This may lead to anxiety, stress and later postnatal depression. To avoid such, mothers are encouraged to have enough rest. Finding time to rest is not automatic since babies are unpredictable. However, there are several ways to help you find time to rest. First, learn to sleep when an infant sleeps. Secondly, do not do any other house chores which may lead to exhaustion at least for about three weeks. Ensure your baby sleeps near you to avoid moving from one place to another every time they need attention.

You will need a lot of nutrients to recover what was lost during birth as well as facilitate quick healing. For this reason, ensure what is fed to new mothers is a healthy diet. Healthy foods contain proteins, starch, and minerals. With help from a nutritionist, one can identify foods rich in each nutrient. Additionally, during the breastfeeding period, mothers cannot think about weight loss. Eat whenever you feel hungry.

It is overwhelming adjusting to motherhood. Sometimes one is too engrossed in taking care of babies that they forget about themselves. Other times it becomes very tiring that one is left with no energy to carry out anything else. Hence, it is recommended that someone finds a relative, friend or house help to carry out household chores. If none is available, your partner or older children could help.

As your uterus lining breaks off, mothers will experience bleeding for the first six weeks. Bleeding starts heavily and reduces as time goes by. During this period, one should take extra care of themselves in terms of hygiene as well as products used. Doctors recommend special nursing pads without any form of deodorants to prevent irritation. In case the bleeding does not subside after six weeks, one should seek medical advice.

In case a mother was stitched after delivery, it will take a few days to pass urine comfortably. Without proper care, the area might be infected. Hence, clean regularly with warm water. In case there is too much, placing an ice pack on affected area reduces swelling. Also, ensure adequate air circulates in the area.

As milk is produced, some mothers will experience swollen breasts. Others will have cracked nipples making it very painful whenever a baby feeds. However, the swelling will only go away if milk is expelled. Therefore, if a baby is fed more, swelling and discomfort will reduce. Also, regular application of recommended jelly will ease nipple pain.

Notably, mothers experience hard stool that is normally difficult to pass. Others constipate even before eating. This is caused by poor digestion as your stomach readjusts. Taking a lot of fluids will ease digestion. Additionally, it ensures sufficient breast milk is produced.

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