Tips On Photographing Your Youngster For The Gerber Baby Contest

By Peter Howard

The Gerber Baby has been a symbol of good health, innocence, and optimism for almost one hundred years. The searches they still conduct, to find the best examples of these qualities, are only gaining in popularity. The winning youngster gets to appear in ads and receives a substantial financial award. Not every child is eligible however, and if you think you might have the Gerber baby contest winner, there are some things you should know.

One of the biggest mistakes parents make is not reading the fine print. The rules and regulations are clearly printed everywhere the search is advertised. Before you spend time photographing and applying, you need to make sure your child meets the qualifications. Not following the directions will probably result in your entry being thrown out.

If you have read the rules, you know that the company is not looking for a professional photograph taken by someone who makes a living taking pictures. They want something that is natural instead of professionally staged. The child cannot be older than two to be able to enter the contest. They will verify any information you give, so trying to slip in an older child isn't going to work.

Don't make the mistake of thinking that a little blush and lip gloss will make your infant more attractive to the judges. They have probably seen thousand of pictures of children made up, and none of those ever win. Depending on the age of your youngster, catching a natural smile always makes a better picture. Infants may not cooperate, but toddlers can certainly be caught in a moment of enjoyment and pleasure.

Even though the judges don't want professional photographs, they do need good pictures with adequate lighting. If the photos are too dark, they won't be able to distinguish the features you find so appealing in your youngster. If the photos have too much light, the same features will become blurred and washed out. You have to use some judgement when you are selecting your best photos to enter the contest.

Taking pictures outside is one way to get good light, and to get interesting photographs. If your child is old enough, taking photos in the midst of flowers, with a pet, or with a toy can be very effective. This is a great way to add extra color to your pictures, which will make them more interesting.

Even if your child is an infant, it will probably take some time and effort to get a really good picture. Keeping your camera handy will make it easier to shoot your youngster at unexpected moments. Sometimes these are the most effective entries. Cameras with active child settings make it possible for you to get clear shots even when your little one is in motion.

Winning a contest like this is a long shot, but that's okay. You will have a great time interacting with your youngster and experimenting with lighting and different camera settings. You might even end up with an amazing photo proudly displayed over the fireplace.

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