Sleep Problems That Babies Face

By Glennon Doley

Your baby may be sleeping well, however there could be instances where you find that they have sleep problems. Those instances may happen when your baby grows to an older age, they do have sleep problems such as sleepwalking. Glad to say that these sleep problems is not permanent, however, although they are just temporary, when they are here you or your children will not sleep well.

When a baby is born, they come with many different reflexes. You can tell that your little one is having a moro reflex when his hands are stretched out before bring them in again. The startle reflex passes quickly, usually within a few seconds, but it can wake a baby who is sleeping. Babies that know how to go back to sleep themselves will do so when they wake up from a moro reflex, however, for those who do not, they will be crying for help. After 5-6 months the moro reflex will go away.

You have to be very careful when placing your baby to sleep. You should make them feel safe by being stable and always make them feel supported. Another method is to use a swaddle to make them feel secure.

Your baby has not learned the skill of putting himself to sleep. Do you notice that we suddenly wake up without knowing why. Even after waking up, we will just take it that nothing has happened and go back to sleep. Babies who have always been put to sleep may not develop the skills necessary to put themselves back to sleep once they've woken in the middle of the night.

How do you manage? You need to foster independence to your children to let him go back to sleep himself You may think that falling asleep is something that comes naturally to babies, but really they need to be taught how doing this on their own. You can try to make him feel comfortable with something else like a blanket. So that you can leave him with the blanket when he is going to sleep. The reason is because, when he wakes up and finds the blanket he will remember the time with you, slowly he will be comfortable and goes back to sleep himself

Sometimes your baby goes down for a nap in the middle of the day and just won't wake up. Other times she's up all night and wants to play. The reason is because your children do not know when it is night time, they do not have any differentiation to darkness and brightness.

Sleep Solutions: It's important to teach your blind baby the cues that indicate a shift from day to night. To make her understand that it is night time, you will have to force into her head some night time habits. Besides following a simple schedule (dinner, bath, bedtime story, etc.), also choose a special night time songs, night time story books, and night time toys that only come out during the evening hours. Then, when you begin to sing one of these nighttime songs, for example, your baby will know that it's getting late and almost time for bed.

A better method that you can practice is to teach your baby about sounds that can only be heard at night. I like to take Ivan outside in the early evening hours so we can listen to the crickets chirping. These sounds help to calm him down. Plus, as he gets older, he'll be able to identify the sounds of crickets as an evening sound.

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