Important Concepts Regarding Baby Circumcision Ontario

By Robert Ellis

Circumcision is a norm that is usually exercised all across the world. Nonetheless, the practice is usually undertaken in different times or phases of a male lifetime, depending on various cultural beliefs, religion and socially accepted standards. In quite a number of cultures, it is usually undertaken during infancy, or some few days or weeks after a baby boy is born. Therefore, its cardinal to understand everything regarding baby circumcision Ontario.

Various reasons may cause parents to decide to have their infant circumcised. Reasons range from, medical, cultural, and religious to simply personal choice. For some, fear that once grown the child might face some sort of stigma among peers who are circumcised. Medical reasons for circumcision among infants have been widely researched and a few have been validated while others are still up for debate.

Some scientifically validated reasons are that circumcised babies have less probability of contracting urinary tract infections as opposed to uncircumcised ones. Another scientifically proven reason is that the incidence of infection and transmission of sexually transmitted diseases was significantly lower in circumcised males later in life, including HIV.However supporting data has still not been sufficient to push doctors and other medical personnel to recommend that every male child be circumcised. Hygiene has also been sited as a reason for the procedure as it is easier to keep the penis clean after circumcision as opposed to while the foreskin is intact.

In most instances, the child is usually put under anesthetics, before the procedure is commenced. There exist various different procedures, and thus as a parent, you need to ask the care provider to elucidate to you the particular one that they will be using. Various examples of the procedures that are performed include Mogen clamp, Gomco clamp, as well as the Plastibell, which all call for the use of special equipment called scalpels.

The Catholic Church however has been known to frown upon infant circumcising and refers to it mostly as mutilation of an innocent. For them the only reason it should be done is if failure to do so would pose a threat to the child life in form of some sort of illness.

Many questions usually abound, especially regarding how the excruciating pain is usually managed, during the operation. In essence, drugs called anesthetics are usually administered, and their job is to minimize the levels of pain to the baby, throughout the procedure. They can be in the form of topical creams, or even injections usually under the penis base.

It is also vital to mention the various advantages or merits that are often characterized with the circumcision exercise. Firstly, the procedure has been confirmed to prevent urinary tract infections, especially to infants. Secondly, the procedure also helps to prevent conditions like penile cancer, and this is most applicable to adults.

Whatever the reasons for or against infant circumcision, in the end the only one that stands supreme, is personal choice . It is best however to have all the information, and weighing it from both points of the argument is beneficial in making a sound decision. Fortunately for those that cannot decide it is best to remember that he can always have it done later in life if he so chooses.

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