Hints For Winning A Gerber Baby Contest

By David Graham

When one is participating if attracts a lot of other members of the public, they are aware that how stiff the competition is. There is hence the need to put some extra effort to stand out. Parents whose young children are participating in the Gerber baby contest need to know the secrets that can make them stand out.

The first thing you need to know is when the event will be taking place. This will help you in your preparations as you will know when to practice. There are applications to be made too and meeting the deadline is the only way you can be allowed to participate. Try to avoid last minute rush which is mostly associated with panic and hence a lot of mistakes are made.

When one wants to do something they have never done before, research becomes a great rescue especially in areas they are not sure of. A good participant will research on what the previous winners did to impress the judges and even what made the others lose. This way they will have an idea of what is expected of them by the judges to emerge as winners.

This is a contest whereby the participants are too young to model. The winners are hence determined by the photos that were uploaded. Submitting the first photo of the child that was taken is hence not a good idea. You need to take as many of them as possible. You will notice that the best photos are mostly not among the first ones and there is need to be patient for you to upload the best.

Getting the support of friends in such an event is important. Getting to be among the final participants requires the judges to be convinced that the photo of your child is among the best compared to those of other contestants. It is not easy for them to go through all of them as so many people upload pictures, and public voting becomes a good method of elimination.

Let the photo you upload be as natural as possible. This is a competition that involves children and not adult experts in the field of modelling. The child should hence not be forced to do certain sophisticated posts to win. Mae up should also not be applied to the child as they take away the natural look of the baby that the judges are looking for.

Knowing the rules of the game is an important way to survive it. Know what you can or cannot do. For instance, photo-shopping and extreme editing of pictures are not allowed in most competitions. If you are not aware of such a rule, you will end up violating it and getting disqualified from participating. Ask about the rules right from the start.

There are many competitions around that involve babies. Participating in them is important as it helps one to know how good they are. It is not advisable to participate in a big contest yet you have ever been a participant in any of the local ones. This is because you will be competing with people that have experience and your chances of beating them are minimal.

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