Better Ways Of Pest Control Graham TX

By Elaine Guthrie

Use of pesticides to control pests should be a last option since there are other easier and cheaper ways of controlling pests in our living places and the communities. These actions mostly involve cleaning and having a healthier living. Although it is not always obvious that one will find pests in their homes, once you find out it becomes irritating and so it is good to find better ways of pest control Graham TX.

Always make your place clean since pest do not prefer clean areas. They breed in dirty areas. Once you have finished taking your meals, make all your utensils clean and dry. Collect all the rubbish and place it in rubbish bins that have been tightly wrapped. Always ensure that furniture does not have any food scraps because this is what attracts insects.

If you buy food or food remains after meals put it in tins that are fitted with lids and store them. Toilet can also be a breeding site of pests and so you should regularly clean it and you should also make sure that you use the toilet well. The type of toilet paper you use should be one that can be flushed down easily

Septic tanks used at homes and in the communities ought to be well sealed. People should properly operate the compost pit used by the community and if it is filled the trash be buried or even burnt regularly. The fly screens can be made use of to prevent pests from entering the house. If there are holes around empty pipes they must be closed to stop insects from making their homes.

Biological methods of pest control can be brought into application too. These involves releasing predators in the pest infested environment. The pest predators interfere with pest breeding patterns. Caution should however be taken when introducing this predators so as not to cause more harm than good to the environment in the future. BTI which is a common larvicide has been widely used in controlling mosquito breeding pattern which is a real nuisance.

Some of the pests gain their ways to our living rooms through entry ways. It is therefore important to deny them access through these potential entry sites. Make use of silicone caulk to close any cracks in the house. As for the cooling and heating vents, make use of screens and if there are any existing holes ensure that they have no holes in them and repair holes if they are present..

Having denied the pests food, access and shelter it is also important to prevent any other pests from outside from getting in. To solve this without the use of chemicals, you can use vacuum to get rid of bugs or some nests, lay traps or even a swatter. Do not also stack woods, place vegetation or debris outside your house to prevent pests from climbing up into the house.

When these methods have failed, make use of some boric acid by placing them on the cracks. It works by poisoning the insects. Insects that are soft bodied can be removed with soaps that are made from fatty acids. These soaps are harmless to humans and mammals

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