Discover Beautiful Spaces By Getting Help From An Ottawa Basement Renovation Service

By Cliford Waluhan

Many houses that are built in cold climates will have a basement and it is considered a part of the foundation. They are all built below the frost line but having said that it is not uncommon for those that live in warmer climates to have this extra space under the house as well. Many people like to make this extra space into another room and this is where one will be in need of assistance with the Ottawa basement renovations professionals.

It is very important that this area is kept warm so as to prevent the cold from getting under the building. If the foundations are deep enough and go beyond the frost line on the outside it will also help prevent the cold from getting under. If the home is not heated the cold will be able to penetrate as far as three or four feet below the buildings depth.

Not all countries build their houses with basements as it does depend greatly on certain geographical factors. These are building technology, soil, climate as well as seismic activities and the real estate economics. In the more wet climates it is unwise to build basements as there is a great risk of flooding. In the Midwest and the Canadian Prairies these are all built with concrete to prevent shifting during the freeze and thaw cycle.

All of the prices quoted will be fixed so there will be no surprises somewhere down the line. An itemized quote is standard and this will include even the doorstoppers that are requested. All of their work has a five year warranty or if preferred an optional extra five years can be added.

These are then still divided into the different types. The daylight basement is under a house that is built upon a slope so that part of the floor will be above ground and a doorway can be added. Only the part that is below the ground is considered a true basement.

The look-out basement will have walls that extend above ground level where windows can be used. The disadvantage to this is that the main floor entry will be above grade and will generally need stairs. The fully underground cellar is always below ground level and is normally a storage place for coal or wine as it is at a constant cool temperature.

They have received an award for the 2014 Better Business Bureau Torch in honour of their outstanding business. They are committed in ensuring that only the highest standards are used and that honesty and integrity is foremost in their commitment to all projects. They have also received an award for the 2014 Ontario Renovator of the Year.

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