What You Should Know When Purchasing Tek Screws

By Anita Ortega

A number of accessories can be used to fasten materials when making furniture or in other construction work. One of these options is tek screws, which are good for joining metal and wood. With their design, which allows easy drilling, they can be used for different purposes. They come in different options, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. While purchasing the fasteners, it will be good to understand a few things in order to find the best.

It is important to know how the screws look like when going out to make the purchase so that you can pick the best. Their self-threading design eliminates the need for one to make holes in wood first. This therefore reduces the time that is spent on the job and the tools needed. Therefore, even though they might cost more than the other fasteners, the money will be recovered elsewhere.

The fasteners come in different sizes ranging from 1 to 5. For you to pick the right size, you need to check the bit number. The bit numbers are the same as the ones used in bolts for other commercial uses. The screw also has a smaller diameter around the tip compared to its head, which results in a tapering end.

When choosing the size of the screw, you have to consider the size of the material you will be using them on. If the materials are very tough and thick, you should get a screw with a bigger tip. This is because such a screw is stronger. Those with a smaller tip will be good for the lighter woods.

Various types of materials can be used to make these fasteners. You should select the material based on the conditions the fastener will be exposed to. The materials you are joining might also have an effect on the fastener material chosen. For instance, with hard materials or surfaces, stainless steel can be a great option since it is very strong. However, it is not good for coastal areas since it corrodes easily.

If your major concern is strength, you could still choose the steel ones. However, the ones you pick should be zinc coated if you want them to withstand corrosion. Many other hybrid materials can be used because they combine the positive characteristics of various materials. Such choices should give you durability, low cost and other benefits.

The fasteners are readily available in various stores. However, you have to check which ones offer the widest variety so that you can pick the best ones. It is also good to do price comparison in the different stores so that you can buy them from the cheapest providers. This will ensure that you do not overpay for the purchase.

When purchasing the fasteners, the listed points will be useful. They will help one choose the best material and size for a perfect job. It is also possible to make the purchase and a fair price because of evaluating offers from different stores. One will also get the best material which will ensure that whatever task is being done is carried out perfectly thus ensuring durability and proper finishing.

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