Facts About Pond Algae & Pond Algae Control

By Roland Stockwell

Having a large pond or maybe a lake within your property should call for careful maintenance all through the year but particularly when the weather gets warm. There can be a serious threat from algae when it comes to the health of your lake or pond. You must learn about significant facts about pond algae and be aware of natural pond treatment options then.

Algae have both positive and negative benefits in a pond or lake ecosystem. Smaller amounts of algae provide food for your fish, as well as insects and protozoa that live in and around the water. However, too much algae can be a huge nuisance and even cause fish to die off because it reduces the oxygen level in the water making it impossible for your fish to breathe.

Algae come in several different types but one of the most common in ponds and lakes is the filamentous algae. You will find it looking thin and stringy and it often begins to grow when nearing the end of winter and temperatures are most likely to rise during the early spring. Again, it should not concern you if there is but small amount of filamentous algae until it becomes larger then that should cause your alarm.

One more common type of algae, the planktonic algae blooms quite rapidly during the hot days. Your pond or lake can appear to have mud-like water as the algae potentially change water color to a complete green or brown within the day or maybe two days of its start. Having planktonic algae in but small amounts in your pond can also be beneficial to zooplankton serving as food which then becomes the food for fish. Its abundance though can be lethal to your fish just like the previously cited algae particularly when it suddenly dies during the summer's end and fall is about to start.

To combat different types of algae, it is recommended that you treat water with a natural product such as AquaSpherePRO. This is a biodegradable sphere filled with proprietary bacteria that help to keep the water in your pond balanced throughout the year. This product contains no chemicals and has been approved by veterinarians.

Using this pond treatment product is extremely easy, as you simply toss the spheres into your water, and each sphere lasts for up to 30 days. You then simply toss in new spheres to continue keeping your pond clean. Treatment in some parts of the country may be recommended done throughout the year but in some regions about six to seven months of treatment is good enough in preventing algae bloom thus keeping water safe and clean for you.

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