Identifying Victims Of Postpartum Doula San Deigo

By Steven Sullivan

Everyone loves and celebrates the arrival of a baby and especially their parents. There are however instances when an individual finds themselves involuntary acting in the opposite direction. This is what happens to Postpartum Doula San Deigo patients. It involves a situation where there is an extreme mood disorder. Both genders can be affected, but it mostly affects the mother. This may be triggered by factors from within or from outside. These individuals tend to display a number of negative signs and symptoms.

One symptom that is easily pinpointed is continued sadness and anxiety. Though occasionally it is normal for a person to get sad, this comes as a continued state in the individuals. It takes away all the happiness as others are affected by this person staying in this condition for an unusually long time. Conflicts and guilt develop in the partners and other family members.

The individuals are highly restless. A feeling of not being satisfied with what is presented to them is created. They do not appreciate anything, and this creates frustrations in their partners and to some extent conflict. Accompanied by the restlessness comes anger at very trivial things. Such a person tends to send away those close to them, and the child growth is undermined in the process.

They are also ever complaining of being exhausted. Many of them have no task to undertake but regularly complain of being tired. This is a condition created in the mind of the victim due to having a lot of thinking. Constantly overworking the brain makes it tired and the effect is translated to the body which makes them complain of being tired.

Taking care of themselves and personal hygiene is not observed. Cleanliness is ignored as the individual is ever feeling exhausted and carrying out simple functions such as bathing or washing clothes is hard for the victim. They translate the same to the baby as they also find it a burden to clean them up. Diseases and infections can easily attack both the parent and the child, and this puts the baby at the risk.

Their ability to make decisions is also diminished. Ability to coordinate things around the is significantly undermined as the mind is filled with many negative thoughts such as fear and the thoughts that they cannot take care of their children. This may deteriorate, and they end up making decisions that might harm the child or their spouses if treatment is not sought immediately the condition is noticed.

Social withdrawal is also noticed. The individuals no longer desire company and tend to stay on their own. This is a dangerous condition as in the event that adverse conditions develop, treatment cannot be administered and may bring about death in extreme conditions. The persons are ever away from others, and this makes the family bond weak which results in situations such as cheating.

Lastly, as the condition intensifies, they get to lose their libido. Sex is not supposed to be affected due to childbirth. Many tend to come up with different thoughts such as infidelity not knowing that the condition has been developed due to this depression. Medical assistance should be sought to eliminate these problems.

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