Why Males Who Underwent Newborn Circumcision Have Better Adult Lives Than Others

By Jeffrey Cox

Circumcision performed in many males living in Toronto, ON find it difficult to stomach the idea of having a part of their penis removed. However not every male on the planet has had their foreskin removed as preference. But research have shown that in some parts around the world due to their religious guidelines perform this procedure on the infant.

Male circumcision is mostly prevalent in religious groups such as Judaism and Islam. Because this practice mark the connection between divinity and man, and has been practiced since its conception. It is hard not to find an elective surgery on newborn circumcision.

However there are several benefits of having male circumcision. In one way it reduces the risk of developing urinary tract infection, but also prevents cancer developing around the penis area. Although there is a debate in human immuno deficiency because there is a study that shows that most male Africans consent to circumcision to prevent HIV while some believe otherwise.

Parents who choose to have their baby boy circumcised must understand a few things about the procedure. The surgery happens within the nursery after one to ten days after birth. The infant must be restrained at the leg area with his back against the operating table, and an anesthetic will be injected near the base of his penis. Or if in cream form it will be topically applied, so that the pain from having their skin sawed off is reduced.

Apart from that reason there has been a study conducted around the world that African men choose circumcision to prevent HIV and STD from spreading to their partners. However parents must be aware that circumcision is not a painless procedure. Because it the foreskin being a part of the penis, and being part skin also have nerve endings.

So keep them comfortable by avoiding pressure around the crotch area. Diligently cleaning the head from crust and applying topical jelly around it to prevent from rashes and sticking on the diaper. Remember though that many procedures have its own set of risk and complication.

That is why you need to contact the doctor if urination does not follow twelve hours post op. If excessive bleeding continues, foul smells begin to appear along with drainage. And if the plastic ring do not drop off within two weeks. Though these kinds of scenario are bound to happen in a clinical setting.

Anesthetic is general applied as an injection pricked into the base of the penis or as a cream. The procedure lasts for ten minutes and once it is finished a plastic ring or clamp is attached. During the healing process parents should be responsible in keeping the baby comfortable always.

The clamp is still stuck even after two weeks, and most of all a difficulty in urination. Parents should be aware of this or risk the babies life in the process. However this rite is still debatable because most hospitals find it as an elective process. That means parents can decide what is best for the babies instead. But with these in mind your baby will surely thank you for it.

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