Flags To Compare To Our Soul Identity

By Gary Ford

The origins of present-day Austria can be traced back to prehistoric times. The Danube River valley was populated as long ago as the Paleolithic Age (50,000 B.C.E. â€"8000 B.C.E. ). Austria was inhabited by Celtic peoples from prehistory until it fell under Roman control in the first century B.C.E.

The red and white hues in this banner are taken from a legend in which the Duke Leopold V of Austria was blood-drenched from the Battle of Ptolemais in 1191, and just a segment of white stayed on his sword bend. He then picked these hues and as an example for his banner. However the earliest documentation of an Austrian flag dates to Duke Freidrich II (1210-1246). He wanted Austria to be more independent of the Roman Empire so he adopted the red and white flag in 1230.

The red and white hues in this banner are taken from a legend in which the Duke Leopold V of Austria was blood-splashed from the Battle of Ptolemais in 1191, and just a piece of white stayed on his sword waistband. He then picked these hues for his banner. The Austrian flag is one of the oldest national flags in the world. It dates from 1191 when Duke Leopold V fought in the Battle of Acre during the Third Crusade.

The flag of Austria has three parallel lines with two red colors and in between is color white. Same with the other countries - white still represents honesty and truth. It does not matter if you are known, but an act of honesty towards others causes chain reactions, widening the message of peace in each mind, calmness in heart, the strength of soul, and harmony to the environment.

However, this is not the end of the story. Like most European countries, Austria looks back on a very eventful history. Yet there are some elements of the Austrian character that haven’t changed much over the centuries: the partiality for indulgence, beauty, and cultivation has always been a driving force in the country’s past and present...

Austria is a combination of pristine landscapes and bustling cities, historic towns and cutting-edge architecture, love of tradition and thirst for the new. What keeps travelers coming back to Austria is the sense of a lifestyle that celebrates the finer moments in life.

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