Winterize Your House, Restore Your Car With Rubber Weather Stripping

By Marci Nielsen

These days, consumers are keeping cars rather than turning them in every three years. The same thing goes for houses. It used to be that you could buy a house and sell it quickly if your family got bigger, you changed jobs, or you simply wanted a change. Now, however, it's harder to sell a house, cars cost more every year, and people have less confidence in job security. Enter rubber weather stripping, whether for automobile or home, as a chore you might face when taking care of what you have.

In cold places like Middletown, NY, people know better than to let cracks around residential windows and doors raise their energy costs. In the old days, people used to put up with drafts and sometimes wake up with snow drifts on the bedroom floor. Now, thank goodness, there are many ways to keep the elements outside where they belong.

Cars come with weatherstripping around the windshield, the side and rear windows, the trunk, and the sunroof if they have one. You can tell if window seals are getting worn if you hear whistling sounds as you drive. Another clue is when you find stuff in the backseat or the trunk wet after a car wash. Of course, if the sunroof drips on you every time it rains, you'll already know the problem.

Although factory seals usually last for years, they can be degraded if your car sits outside in both heat and cold. If you get a new paint job, your car might look great but your sunroof might not work as well. Cleaning chemicals can damage the seals around doors and windows.

For the home, there are rubber foam strips that come in various widths and thicknesses. This kind of protection is sold in rolls and has adhesive on one side. All you have to do is cut it to fit and press it into place around and under doors and anywhere else that cold air can get in. It's easy to remove for the summer, although those with air conditioning might need it year-round.

For your car, you order specific stripping just like any other car part. Even when ordering online, you'll need make and model information for your automobile. Even though this should get you the exact type you need, how-to sites advise closely comparing it with what is already on your car. Be certain they match before removing the old and installing the new.

The 'rubber' is probably not the plant-based rubber of the old days. It's most likely silicone rubber, which has a mineral base (silicon). This material is supposed to be more durable than the rubber from South American trees. It also is more resistant to chemicals and can withstand higher temperatures. It does a good job of keeping air, water, dust, and noise out of your house or your 'home away from home', your car.

Keep dust, rain, snow, and noise out of your car and your home by making sure the seals around windshields, trunks, doors, and windows are tight. Check out the how-to sites and videos online for detailed instructions on keeping your personal spaces comfortable year round.

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