Top Tips To Identify How To Get Rid Of Voles And Moles

By Leonard Hungerford

The tiny animals that are recognized as burrowing through the garden can negatively affect landscapes and often results in home owners struggling to control the invasion. Determining how to get rid of voles and moles requires a closer look at the measures of identification as well as the specific techniques that need to be followed. With the right resources it is possible to remove these rodents from the property getting rid of voles and moles for good.

A vole is a tiny animal that appears similar to a field mouse. They form tunnels near the top layers of soil running downwards into the ground. These creatures snack on grass, roots, bulbs, young bark ... and therefore you are most likely to have these in the yard where you notice extended lines or burrows running through the lawn. These tiny mammals are good at hiding and you are unlikely to come close to see one.

By contrast, a mole forms deep burrows in the ground including tunnels to feed on bulbs and grubs. (Although moles largely feed on small animals such as insects.) The mole is associated with the soft mounds that appear as volcanoes on the top of the lawn. Moles also require correct measures being put in place quickly to prevent it from spreading through the garden.

When it comes to a vole infestation, it is important to take action as soon as possible with natural methods and preventative strategies. A vole colony can cause damage to tree and shrub roots resulting in complete death of the plant and destruction of the landscape. It is important to incorporate methods that are environmentally friendly and will prevent exposing people and pets to toxins.

Habitat modification: A garden should remain weed free and include the removal of different forms of debris that contribute to the ideal habitat for a vole colony. A common method of controlling vole numbers without harsh intervention is to use traps to catch the voles without killing them ... and then to safely remove them from the property. There is the option to use mole, field mice and vole repellents that can be placed on the grass to create an unappealing environment for the animals due to the strong smell of such repellents. These can all be effective ways to get rid of field mice, voles and moles.

A mole population can cause a significant amount of destruction and requires that the correct methods are applied to maintain a healthy garden. In the early hours of the morning when the rodents come up to feed, placing a shovel in the soft mounds and scaring the creatures can prove effective. These animals are highly sensitive to disturbing sounds and will flee from the area.

One can also avoid the use of mole and vole poison by applying mole and vole repellents that are sprayed as a solution onto the ground. The purpose of a spray solution is to ensure that animals are prevented from seeing an environment that is conducive for nesting resulting them to move to another environment. A mole will require a specific type of setting to breed and therefore correct management methods must be applied for the best outcome.

When it comes to a mole or vole invasion, it is good to consider environmentally friendly methods minimising the amount of mole and vole poison to be used. One should take the time to learn about the management methods available control the expansion of the mole or field mouse colonies. There are numerous environmentally friendly options that can be sought to better protect the environment and still remove the rodents effectively from the garden.

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