Stain Removal: How To Preserve Your Carpeting

By Suzanne Herrman

While carpets are a wonderful decorative feature that warm up any room, dealing with carpet stains can be a chore. Certainly some stains require just a few minutes of work to clean up, but some are quite difficult to remove. If you are wondering how to remove a stubborn stain, here is some information about how to remove a few tricky, but common stains.

With the vast majority of stains, speed is the most important factor in stain removal. Act quickly and you are more likely to remove the stain. Always be gentle with your carpet as fibers can become damaged if you rub or scrub the carpet. Use a clean white towel or some paper towels to first soak up all of the liquid from the stain. Then, for many stains, a cold water rinse will remove the rest of the stain. After the stain is gone, carefully blot to remove excess moisture.

Red wine stains are definitely one of the more common stains, and homeowners tend to clutch at the site of their beautiful carpeting tinged with crimson liquid. However, all is not lost. Begin as you would with almost any other stain and gently dab up the liquid. Once the spot is dry, rinse it with cool water or perhaps cool club soda. Some people also have found that white wine can remove the color of the red wine stain, and then you just rinse the carpet and gently dry up the fibers.

Another stain that happens more than you might think is the spilling of candle wax on carpeting. There are a few tricks to consider when this occurs. Fill a waterproof bag with ice and place it on top of the wax, which will help freeze the wax. Once the wax has frozen, gently scrape it off with a butter knife or dull knife. Hopefully, this will remove all of the wax, but if not, then you need to apply heat. Take a plain paper bag without ink or printing and place it over the wax. Take an iron on the warm setting (not hot) and rub it over the bag. Once the wax melts, it should stick to the paper bag and lift off of your carpet. If there is color left behind, treat this carefully with a spot treater or perhaps a mix of very mild dishwashing detergent and water.

If you have pets, then urine stains can definitely be a big problem. As with all stains, the first step is to blot up as much of the urine as possible using clean paper towels. Some people will apply a poultice to the stain. This involves taking a damp cloth or damp paper towels and placing them on top of the urine stain. You then weight down the poultice with something heavy, such as books. After 10 minutes, remove the weights and the dirty towels. Then rinse with cold water and blot up the liquid and treat the area with a special enzymatic cleaner. This will remove the scent, which is important because dogs tend to urinate in the same spot again and again unless all of the urine and scent is removed.

If you are truly nervous about handling a bad stain, consider calling in the experts. Your Prairieville carpet cleaners, Baton Rouge carpet cleaners or a Denham Springs carpet cleaning service probably can help with just about any stain or offer you some sound advice. In addition to getting rid of stains, professional carpet cleaners also remove all the dirt, dust mites, fungi, mold and other toxic elements from your carpet every time they clean. It is recommended that you schedule service every six months to keep your carpet as fresh as possible.

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