The special province of the mother is the prevention of disease , not its cure. When disease attacks the child , the mother has a role to play , which is particularly important in times of infancy and childhood should be done well . I mean those rights which constitute the maternal part of the management of the disease.
Medical treatment for editing success depends largely on the decision - pain care , monitoring and judicious mother. No medical treatment can avail at any time, if directions be only partially implemented , or be assisted by an oversight, and will certainly be a total failure if counteracted by the erroneous prejudices of ignorant attendants . But for the love of children and childhood, this remark applies with great force, since, at that time , the disease is usually sudden in their attacks, and rapid in its progress , unless prescribed measures are rigidly and promptly administered , their exhibition is soon be completely obstructed.
The amount of suffering, too, can greatly reduce the upbringing and care of the demanding mother. The needs and the child's needs must be anticipated , irritability produced by disease, soothed by kind and loving persuasion and the ability of the sick and sensitive child being exposed to a serious and unpleasant behavior, carefully planned against.
Again, it is not only a firm and strict medical information in the resource management adherence , diet and general , necessary measures, but a full and fair symptoms opinions tell the doctor , while visiting her little patient , is of primary importance. An ignorant servant or nurse , unless great caution exercised by the medical staff, may by deliberate but erroneous report of symptoms, produce a very bad impression on his mind , the current state of the disease. His judgment may , therefore , be sought in the wrong direction , and the result shows a serious impact on patient welldoing . The medicine man can not sit hour after the symptoms of an observation in hours , hence the importance of accurately reporting . This can be done only by the mother, or person is competent.
There are other serious considerations that may be invoked here, which shows how much depends on the effective management of the mother at the time of the disease, but they insisted together when their illnesses are connected primarily spoken .


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